TURKISH LEGAL CONSULTANCY Attorneys provide services in consumer law. Both Producers, Companies, and consumers are subject to Consumer Law.
1. Lawsuits arising from subscription agreements
2. Lawsuits arising from defective products
3. Lawsuits arising from defective services
4. Cases arising from the timeshare holidays
5. Lawsuits arising from the guaranteed sales
6. Lawsuits arising from the unfair conditions
7. Lawsuits arising from the doorstep selling and distant-sale
8. Lawsuits arising from the credit card contracts
9. Housing finance lawsuits
10. Package tours
11. Lawsuits arising from installment sales and the Campaign
12. Lawsuits arising from contracts of the Housing Development Administration of Turkey
13. The applications of the arbitral tribunal for Consumer Problems
14. Litigation arising from consumer loans
15. Consumers need to make references to the Board of Ad
16. Consumers need to make references to the Council on Competitiveness
1. Subscription contracts
2. Circuit holiday contracts
3. Monitoring of the business compliance with consumer law
4. Door-to-distance sales and distant sales contracts
5. Applications of door-to-sales for certificates
6. Housing finance and consumer loans contracts
7. Supervision of contracts of sale of goods or services
8. Monitoring of distance- sales contracts
9. Package tour contract
10. Campaign and installment sales contracts
11. Regulation and supervision of the advertising and advertisements according to the consumer law
12. Preparation and supervision of the Consumer Contracts in accordance with legislation
13. The establishment of a consumer complaint line and in-person answering the complaints of consumers
14. Consultancy in the office, by phone, or in writing within the working hours